Fallout:New Vegas part 2

While your playing fallout:New Vegas it is critical that you have a good build while your trying to make it to the strip which is off in the distance. Doing the side quests are going to be the most important after all but be very careful with the deathclaw side quest because that just was not fun too me. As you arrive at the strip to confront Benny (the man that shot you the player) obviously you are going to have some choices. Kill,spare and well kill. That’s up to you ladies and gentlemen to decide. What I did was talk to him a bit until he back stabs you and flees as far as he can.

This is where the real kicker comes into play because at some point you will have to go to the base of the legion. At this point I realized in fallout:New Vegas in this game their will be four factions you get to choose so let me just explain them in my way. First up like i mentioned is the legion. The legion is a tough bunch and you don’t want to mess with them until your stats are good and with some good gear. The legion believe in old world values like how the romans did and have a strong leadership and system. The downside to this faction is that they support slavery and crucifixation so it’s kind of hard to tell if they are good or bad but if you want my opinion uh well I didn’t really bother pissing them off or even siding with them as long as they didn’t go after me. I’ll probably most likely talk about factions on another post since I can only type a certain amount. Tune in next time.

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One Response to “Fallout:New Vegas part 2”

  1. James Echeverria says:

    Image doesn’t belong to me. Credit goes to its respective owner.

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