Grand Theft Auto V: The 3 Endings

Depending on which ending or how you want to end GTA V that’s up to the player. I personally didn’t kill either of them so I’m gonna say some spoilers as a warning for those who haven’t finished the story mode. I picked the death wish option or whatever it’s called. I believe it’s the last option on the players phone. I picked this because I like Michael and Trevor (even though they have a lot of issues with themselves).So they defend themselves and cut some loose ends and Devin Weston is buried at sea.

Depending on how you view each of these characters we are gonna talk about Michael’s ending. Now I personally thought this ending was sad because everything was starting to look up for Michael and I think the term I would use is gut wrenching. Not only that you chose to kill him but you are taking him away from his very own family. Afterwards as you chase him all the way on top of some industry and get to him he’s hanging by a thread (almost quite literally) you either have the choice to drop him or help him.

Now Trevor was also a sad one to put down because he was always telling the truth. Sure he has a lot of problems and people viewed him differently. By picking this option you are practically betraying Trevor’s trust in you. After another chase all the way to an oil field/production site you have him at gun point as he’s laying their. So it’s up to you whether to pull the trigger or simply don’t.

At the conclusion of it all. I would say I enjoyed the story mode, but what is all of you’re guys take on GTA V story mode!

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One Response to “Grand Theft Auto V: The 3 Endings”

  1. James Echeverria says:

    Image doesn’t belong to me. Credit goes to its respective owner.

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