Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas is one of the most critically acclaimed games that people absolutely loved. Now the question is why do people like this game so much? Now that’s a good question so let’s get our gear, scavenge and patrol the mojave wasteland. Now I will try not to say any spoilers for others who want to play the game and experience it the way they want too. Now in this fallout game it’s obvious your gonna be going around exploring and decimating enemies while your exploring and looting, but their is more then meets the eye.

In the beginning of the story you the player get shot which leads to the question of “Why did this person shoot me?” Then you customize your character how you want to and certain special perks that you only get to pick two. Preferably pick the wild wasteland because you will find some interesting encounters. Like getting an Indiana jones hat (You’ll know what I mean once you find it). Anyways back to what I was saying. You get shot and you customize your character then you set out on your journey to find the man who shot you in the head. Now along the way obviously their are going to be side quests that you can do to better your character and experience, but that is up to the player. Side quests can be very rewarding but can prove difficult like for an example venturing into a cave of deathclaws and finding a unique grenade launcher like that’s a perfect example. While your on merry way to find the man and search for clues and a good arsenal of weapons off in the distance a bright place will emit and New Vegas (The strip) is the place you need to go.

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One Response to “Fallout: New Vegas”

  1. James Echeverria says:

    Image belongs to its rightful owner and I do not take credit.

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