Grand Theft Auto V

Image doesn’t belong to me. Credit belongs to owner

Grand Theft Auto V a game where you can quite literally commit Grand Theft Auto. In this game you play as three characters in story mode. Theirs an online mode but I’ll talk about that another time. Anyways you first play as Michael. A man who just wants to settle down with his family and not run any gigs or scores (robberies).

Yet things don’t really go his way since his past life starts to catch up to him and an old buddy comes in for a visit. Oh and his family isn’t really doing so hot since they have a lot of problems but not as much as the guy I’m about to talk about next. Now we have Trevor. Trevor is a uh “interesting” individual who as issues with his life and his childhood wasn’t good which made him the way he is. After he thought Michael was dead he was doing his own thing being Trevor. Smelling gasoline, having intercourse with ladies who don’t look like their in their prime anymore and selling drugs for his business.

Eventually he caught wind that Michael could still be alive due to a robbery that was on the news. Finally we have Franklin. Franklin was struggling in his life. Living with his aunt whose a complete idiot,his crush being married to someone,his friend Lamar doing stupid stuff and doesn’t have the money. So eventually he meets Michael at some point in a certain way and eventually they get together to pull off a score of which was on the news just how Trevor caught wind of it. So the story goes in even deeper and Michael gets placed between a rock and a hard place and now Trevor and Franklin are involved in it.

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One Response to “Grand Theft Auto V”

  1. James Echeverria says:

    Image doesn’t belong to me. Credit goes to its respective owner.

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